Saturday, October 9, 2010

My daughter....

Squee! I get to say that now :D 

Is now five days old. We've been home since Wednesday and overall, things are good. She sleeps through everything! Brothers hollering, phone ringing, dog barking...none of it seems to phase her and she'll sleep right through it...thankfully!

Her bilirubin levels were slightly elevated when we left the hospital so we've had to keep her in the sun as much as possible and nurse every 3 hours {whether she likes it or not!}. She is a very sleepy baby and would like to sleep 4-5 hours at a time then nurse for 40 minutes straight. While that sounds ideal, in order to help those levels go down, we have to nurse often...getting her to wake is not an easy task. It usually involves a little tickling, a diaper change, and sometimes a wet washcloth. But she is a good nurser and she only cries when her tummy hurts/needs to burp. We've had a few latch issues since my milk came in, but I think she's getting the hang of it.

Her brothers absolutely love her. Love to give kisses, love to help bring diapers, tell us when she's crying, watch her when she's awake and talk about how much they love her. I was really nervous about how Peanut would handle sharing us but he is doing awesome. Really loves her and we haven't noticed a single regression. Pookie however, while he absolutely loves his little sister, is having some attention issues. Basically he wants attention and he'll take it whether it's positive or negative. We've had a few instances where he's hit/slapped/squished one of his brothers. He's been caught with my cell phone/iPod/computer on multiple occasions. We're working on giving him more attention, before he shows signs of needing it. I've been asking him to help me with little things, helping him do things {even though I know he can do them himself} and today was much better overall.

So, on to are a bunch from the hospital:
 And some more pics meeting all her brothers once we were all settled in to our postpartum room:
 Meeting Sissy!
And as long as I'm at it and while miss Sweetcheeks is still sleeping, here are a few of her since we've been home:

 and a few where she was awake {a rare moment}


  1. Shannon,Ron,and Boys:
    She is beautiful! Congratulations!
    Hope I can come by soon and meet her in person (if that's okay with you, that is!) Blessings,

  2. So glad to hear your transition home has been fairly smooth. Keep enjoying miss sweetcheeks, she is an absolute doll!
